This is the first of my projects that are incorporating my sudo new years resolution to "make more intricate knitted pieces". Up until now I've stuck with basic knitting and basic shaping techniques. I want to try my hand and lace and cabling. These aren't hard it just takes a little more concentration and a little less TV watching on my part. Since I usually knit while watching TV or a movie, lace and cables have taken a back seat. This blanket was a good starter lacey project because the whole center piece is just garter stitch - garter stitch, garter stitch, and more garter stitch! 36 inches square to be exact. Perfect for the mindless nights when I didn't feel like concentrating on what I was doing.
The pattern came from an old pattern book - I think it was published in the 1940's. I love old patterns 'cause they are more intricate and the techniques are usually more advanced then patterns today. I think knitters now, for the most part, only have the patience to knit in big chunky stitches. Chunky = boring - in my opinion.

Anyway, I'm very happy with it so far and happy with myself, too. This wasn't nearly as hard and didn't require nearly as much concentration as I thought it would when I tackled it.
There will be more pictures to come of the final FINAL blanket. But for now - scroll down to see more pictures of the WIP!

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