Here's some stats on the bag:
Title: The Little Waves Bag
Yarn: 100% cotton - Omega brand "Sinfonia" Sport Weight yarn 1/2 ball
Yardage: about 200 yards (or a bit less)
Color Used: Azul Nordico (C816)
Loom Used: New Kifty Knitter II long pink loom (the smallest) used in the round as a single rake. This pattern can be created on any of the long KK2 looms as long as they have an even number of pegs. This pattern does need to be done on the KK2 looms, however, because there are special techniques for doing the flat bottom that is especially for the new KK2 looms.
Skill Level: Intermediate to advanced loomers
Dimensions: Approximately 6 inches wide by 7.5 inches deep if done on the smallest KK2 loom. These dimensions, obviously, don't include the handle.
Other Notes: Since this pattern is done in the round, not in a flat panel like the shawl, the lace stitch pattern has been altered accordingly. The finished look is the same as the shawlo. With this pattern, you are getting the lace in the round design, step by step instructions on blocking the finished bag (the key to the laciest of lace) and adding the lining.
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Thanks Sandy! I'm so excited to hear about all these peopl finishing their shawls. Send me a picture when its done? I'll post it for all to see :) (if that's ok with you - of course!)