However, as of late I fear I'm catching a case of start-itus. I seriously am getting too many projects going at once. Well, too many for me. Besides the ones featured on this blog thus far (the socks for my brother and the Squatty Sidekick for someone yet-to-be-named), I also have a baby blanket (I promise it will make it on the blog soon) and now....soon to be...something else.

Needless to say...I joined.
Now I have yarn on the way from and I'm already itching to start....another...project.
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. After all...all the other projects mentioned aren't for myself. 1 out of 4 knitting projects should be for myself...right? Right?
Oh I know how that is!! I have start-itis in my bones. Hey, a girl needs to be able to make choices, right? The more knit choices the better. I can't wait to see your shawl. :)