As much as I like them, I don't think they are me. I wanted to try the yarn (Sassy Stripes in color 'Jellybean') and it was nice to work with but all in all the finished pair just isn't me. So, they'll be going up for sale. So if anyone is interested before they get posted to Etsy, give me a holler. They'll go up for $15 plus shipping (about $3.00). They are easy care, throw in the washer and dryer.
I really decided to make these after I visited my LYS and picked up some interesting new (new for me anyway) yarn. It's sock yarn made with wool and bamboo fiber. The bamboo acts as the nylon so there is no need for any man made materials. So far the yarn is very nice to work with and is knitting up just like the nylon kind. It will be interesting to see how they wear after they have been washed a couple times.
The yarn in question is Soy Stripes from Pattons (I think). It's supposed to felt really well (at least there was a nice looking swatch in the store at the time). I purchased this last fall for a specific gift and never got the gift made. Hopefully this will come out well...well enough for another gift this year. I'll post the final felted bag when completed.
That's all for now. Sorry for the long delay (and longer then norm post). I was busy last weekend and this past weekend I was in Maine visiting my Dad for Father's Day. Dad's come before blogs :).